Mondays are Gross, An Apology

Mondays are Gross, An Apology

Turns Out 3 Days a Week is Too Big A Commitment, Woops!

            You know how after you’ve had a long week you just want to sit and do nothing? Have your brain shut off with a game, a movie, just anything to give it a break from how exhausting it is all the time? I’ve had that week for the last three months and so when it came time to blog yesterday, my brain gently whispered no and so I didn’t. I’m sorry! To anyone else out there having that week? I feel you. Let’s just disappear onto a beach somewhere and have someone hand us drinks (both alcoholic and non, I know not everyone drinks, no pressure). Does anyone else have that fantasy? I never understood it until my thirties but I get it now.

            From now on I’ll be cutting it to two posts a week so I don’t feel so overwhelmed. This is something I’d like to continue! We’re building a path to success, haha! So from now on I will be posting Monday/Tuesday or Friday/Saturday depending on how things work out in my day to day life.

It’s Not Easy Being a Sensible Warlock

            I promised I would talk about Dungeons and Dragons after the game on the weekend and so here we are. First thing’s first, I must tell you a bit about our game and the world our GM has built for us.

We’re New to This

            I mean this in the sense that our GM has never been in this position before. I joined her for a one shot she was leading and everyone in the group enjoyed it so much she made a full story. It’s completely original, not one of the books they set out for games (I know everyone and their mom plays CoS). Our party is made up of all different races of elves, one half elf half human and a wide variety of classes. I’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons before so this was very overwhelming for me in the beginning. So I did what I did best when creating a character for it- Researched and over-analyzed.

I Chose A Warlock

            Probably a mistake. There are so many rules. Should have been a basic-bitch ranger. Less to learn, only need a basic understanding of spell slots and what they do. But no. No. Several of our party members were already rangers, I had a feeling one was going to be a rogue, and another was a bard. So, I went warlock, making a pact with the Raven Queen because I’m still an emo kid at heart. Her name is Katya and she’s a High Elf with an extensive secretive past.

            Important to remember for me? I’m not particularly social. I struggle with forming words and saying what’s in my brain. There’s a road block somewhere between mental and verbal that I can’t seem to overcome with ease the way my fellows can. Playing a game, particularly with a number of people I’m unfamiliar with, was a big thing for me to do.

            Our GM is a long time friend and the world she’s created is rich and interesting, filled with corruption and danger at every turn.


            Our party has been plagued with rings that have attached them to our persons like a parasite. We have discovered that they were created to stop a war that the elves waged on the other kingdoms and are known as “elf killing” rings. We aren’t sure how to get rid of them yet, but in our dreams the rings are showing us monsters in various places that we have to kill.

            First was a Beholder, which if you don’t know what it is, is a many eyed, laser flying, paranoid, super intelligent monster. Thankfully ours was undead since we were only level 5 at the time. Now we’re on our way to the Drow kingdom in search of the prince of the Wood Elf kingdom. Now you’re caught up. From now on posts about the game will detail the events of the last game.

Art! At last!

            I have finally got some art to post! I drew, a few weeks ago, a doodle of my warlock, Katya, sipping some coffee. Over the last week I colored it! I’m a little rusty with color so I was nervous and it took awhile! But here’s the finished product and a step by step gif.

            What art has everyone else done over the week? Link me! Share with me! Tell me of your exploits!


  1. omg yeah DnD is a great time but also stressful especially with folks you aren't used to talking to or playing with :3 i'm glad you are getting the experience and have a time xD hope you continue to have more fun than anything <3 also YAAAS THAT ART~~~

    1. Haha, what do you usually play as?? It's so stressful lol, talking is harrrrd!! Thank you for the encouragement! And the compliment on the arts!


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