Women are Great, Pass It On.

Women are Great, Pass It On!

Happy International Women’s Day!

            Yes, I know that every day of the week is another silly holiday. International Donut Day! Talk Like a Pirate Day! Free Coffee Day! That being said, I see no harm in using today as a way to send a shout out and thanks to all the amazing women in my life. You know who you are ladies. Thanks for being fabulous and inspiring me to try and reach an equal level of fabulous alongside you! If you have brilliant, talented, and funny women in your life, consider yourself lucky- I know I do.
            Special shout outs to just a handful of the amazing female creators I know! Tera, Kathleen, Sonya, Jade, Crystal, Tiavon, and there are so many more! I can’t list them all or I’d spend all day trying to figure out how to link you to them! They’re all amazing and I draw inspiration from them every time we talk. Ladies, never forget how talented you are.

Spotlight: Women of the Aftermath

            I promised Fridays I’d discuss writing. Sometimes I struggle with feeling vain when I talk about my own work but I’m hoping through writing this blog, that will change. It’s okay to be excited (sometimes I have to remind myself that). While on the subject of women and how fab they are, I figured I’d talk about a few women from my upcoming novel, The Aftermath.
            Izzy, in particular, is rather special to me. She’s been one of those characters that stood with me for years. While I have torn her down and built her back from scratch a dozen times, this last time is the one that has stuck. Izzy is a warrior, through and through, it’s what she prides herself on. In the novel she stars in that identity is challenged and she is forced to find out what else she will become if not for the strength. What’s funny about writing is that sometimes you discover things about your characters that you didn’t plan. Izzy is a leader. She’s not afraid to be both feminine and strong, she is not afraid to speak when others falter, and most importantly, she cares deeply about the state of those around her. Izzy is fiercely loyal and more willing to make tough decisions than most.
            Lolima is one of the most interesting women to write in that if she were a person, I would not like her. She’s spoiled, entitled, argumentative, and has a “holier than thou” attitude overall. What’s interesting is that she does not mean to behave this way. Lolima spent much of her teenage years in hiding, alone, with no one to talk to. She knows that she wishes to be a better leader than her parents (she has recently become Queen of a broken world) but her actions often betray what she truly wishes to do or say. While Izzy is learning what her limitations are, Lolima is expanding her own and throughout the story becomes a better leader and a better person thanks to the actions of others.
            Mayari is the last I’ll address for today. She’s a character that was designed by a friend of mine but I have taken over who she’s become. Mayari was born mute amongst a race of elves who are often judged for the actions of another who had done terrible things. Yet, in spite of this racism against her, she is kind and adaptable. She has learned to deal with people who cannot and do not understand her and still keep a smile on her face. Mayari, in spite of her trauma and sad history, has overcome any of that to be a loyal companion and a fierce fighter with a heart of gold.

A Surprising Return

            People who have known me too long know I love Iron Man. I love him so much I wrote silly fiction based around him for years. Well, guess what bitches, I started going through that nonsense again. I’m a far more practiced writer than I was back then and far less reliant on the feedback that one craves from the internet. So, expect the return of my bad ass Marvel babe, Scarlett Damien, in the near future. Scarlett was the first character I wrote I ever dared to call “pretty” because of the overwhelming stigma against beautiful characters in fiction. She’s more than pretty, that just also happens to be part of who she is and she uses it to her advantage. I’m pretty pumped.

And Lastly, Sweet Lady Tunes

            If you’re looking for female driven music I can offer a few suggestions but I’m also willing to hear yours! I listen to a wide variety of genres so the suggestions are a little all over the place. Bear with me!
            In This Moment. Look, I heard these guys for the first time at Ozzfest. I had no idea who they were and this little blond girl in a bright blue Lolita dress comes out and starts screaming at me and it was love at first sight. They’re angry, they’re talented, they’re awesome. There are too many amazing songs to listen by them.
            The Tedeschi Trucks Band. This is straight up blues at its best. Susan Tedeschi is a vocal powerhouse and guitarist and her husband Derek Trucks is probably one of the most amazing slide guitarists I’ve ever seen. Their sound is upbeat and interesting. Anyhow is a great song to check out by them.
            Amalee is an independent musician on YouTube. I’ve seen her twice in concert open for another artist I’m very fond of. She does mostly anime covers but her voice is really cool and she’s a super cool lady too. She’s got an EP of original songs that I adore, especially Shatter!
            Miranda Lambert. She’s a bad ass, do I really need to say anything else? Listen Kerosene or Mama’s Broken Heart, or just any song she’s ever written and performed.

Well, that’s a wrap folks.

            But let me leave you with one last thing! What women are you grateful to have in your life? I’m eager to find out!


  1. Oh, I love your characters. I'm excited that Scarlett is going to make a comeback!

    1. Yes, I edited the first chapter of Glass Heart today, it felt weird haha! Thank you for the love.

  2. HYPE HYPE HYPEEEE Also, you are always an inspiration to meeee <3 thank you! <3


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