
 There are days where we all wake up and wonder: what's the point? (If it's just me, then uh, I'll find my own way out.) Existence is hard. Creating is hard. Creating AND existing at the same time? Incredibly difficult. The world as it is is so completely saturated with creators, with people just like me trying to get by. In a world that full and that loud, even a yell (a very passionate yell) might seem like it falls into the roar of voices. It might seem that no one hears it.

But you know that you yelled. You know that you created something. Don't worry if that something seems corny or cliché or has been overdone. Don't worry if others won't like it or if it's simply 'not profound'. Create because you love to create. Because you are passionate about it. Make your content for you and the rest will follow. Not necessarily fame and fortune (who wants that anyway) but success will absolutely follow.

Creating is success.

When I tell people that I'm a writer I get a lot of questions. What do you write? Are you published? What's your story about? Most often though, what I get, is a complete stranger (often an uber driver or something of the like) telling me how they long to write. How they have an idea. Whether it's to pen a story about their life and their experiences or to create a new and interesting fiction. People even tell me about the children's book ideas they have surrounding their pets.

My answer always is to DO IT. Just do it. Be that Shia LeBeouf meme and just do it. Starting is the most difficult part. Take ten minutes out of your day. Write. Even if it's not what you wanted, it's still more than what you created before! Write it. Move forward. Get the idea out. You can worry about all the editing and nonsense after that.

I hope that even one of those people went home and wrote a chapter or even a page or just a thought down. All great ideas, all great novels, all great poetry, starts as a small thought. You don't have to be perfect- there's no such thing.


That's the true success. Create something because before you did there was nothing. That's an accomplishment.

I won't leave you with a prompt today but hopefully with encouragement. Write. Create. Draw. Paint. Do. 

Love you. Stay hydrated.

